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Permalink 10:50:06 am, Categories: Adventures, 250 words   English (US)

May 12-13, 2012 First Weekend on the Boat for 2012

Mothers day weekend and our first weekend aboard WhimSea for the 2012 season. Also, our first weekend with our now one year old little guy.

We decided to head up on Saturday, mostly to save us all the hassle of trying to put beds together while praying we didn't wake up the boy. We felt coming up on Saturday would give us time to load things onto the boat, set up beds, and put the safety netting in place in the V Berth. You see, we needed to find some method of protecting Dylan while he slept. Last year, he slept in a Moses Basket in the aft berth with us. Since he wasn't mobile, it worked well. This year, everything will change.

Troy had a plan that involved securing netting across part of the Vberth so if he rolled in the night, he wouldn't hit the floor. We would place it forward so we would still be able to use some of the berth as a changing table. It sounded great when we spoke about it at home. Of course, it wasn't until we arrived that we realized that the netting, without something to tie it to periodically, would simply slide up and down on the bars. So, I slept in the aft berth with Dylan and Troy ended up in the salon for the night. Not the most comfortable for him, but it worked. We're back to the drawing board and hope this coming weekend, we'll find a solution.


May 2012
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