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Permalink 06:42:19 pm, Categories: Adventures, 507 words   English (US)

July 18-19, 2003 -- Sailing with the Eiden's

Posted by Karen A. Brown

On this cruise we would test the ability of Whim Sea to comfortably berth six adults. We were being joined by my whole family; Mom, Dad, Theresa and Steve. As this would be their first time on the Big Lake, we planned for a short cruise on the Duluth end of the Lake rather then a specific destination.

Everyone arrived on Friday evening so we could stow all gear and be off first thing on Saturday morning. We left via the Superior entry so as to see more of the big ships along the way. My Dad has worked for Cargill for a number of years and has an interest in their port in Duluth as well as the cargo ships that carry their goods.

We had a great wind for a downwind run and were able to go quite a ways into the lake with very little to no heel. It was a busy day in port so we were accompanied by a number of large ships on our way out and the family got to take many pictures of them.

With the wind that we had, we made it about halfway to Two Harbors before we were compelled to turn around. We wanted to be back at dock in time for dark and dinner.

After coming about, the wind did pick up, providing us with a slightly less comfortable return trip and significantly more heel. When we were probably 20 miles out, the coast guard broke into channel 16 with a weather warning for all mariners telling us a storm was coming and that we should find a safe harbor. We immediately dropped all sail and employed the diesel and headed into the harbor keeping a weather eye to our stern where the darkening clouds were piling up. Here's a picture of the building clouds by the bridge.

We made it into port in time to have dinner. As we were getting ready to watch the storm come on from the cockpit, it hit. The winds were blowing at around 40 mph causing us to heel over while tied to the dock. Water was being blow at us sideways. All electricity went out and the aft berth was soaked thru by rain that was pounded at the cockpit. Needless to say we were awfully glad we made it back in time. Seeing as how we are already planning the next trip with the family, I think it's safe to say that despite the storm, they definitely enjoyed themselves.

Whim Sea accommodated all guests and crew without a problem. Though we were sometimes a little tight in navigating around the cabin (especially when the rain hit and we were stuck inside with all ports closed - it got a bit hot!), everyone had a comfortable place to lay their head at night as well as a comfortable place to sit during the sail. Mom even felt comfortable enough to walk out on the deck while under sail and have a seat on the cabin trunk!

WhimSea's Log

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