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Permalink 09:49:21 pm, Categories: Adventures, 254 words   English (US)

July 10-12, 2009

Posted by Karen A. Brown

We arrived at the marina on Saturday morning to find out that the battery charger had stopped working at some point in time. Since it’s only two years old, we suspect that it’s related to the power outages that the marina had over the last few weeks. At any rate, our batteries were entirely dead since we had left the refrigerator on all week.

We borrowed a battery charger from Uncle Ron and hooked it up and then set about our chores for the day.

We took a break for dinner and went with Dave and Deb to Valentini’s Vicino Lago. They’d been telling us about this restaurant for a while but because of their odd hours, Troy and I have never been able to go. We’re very happy that we had the opportunity to give it a shot. The food was excellent. I had a stuffed ravioli with artichokes, sun dried tomatoes and olives. It was wonderfully seasoned and very very good. I think Troy and Dave both looked at my plate with great envy.

On Sunday we had breakfast at the Vanilla Bean and when we came back had enough of a charge on the batteries to start up the engine and take her out in the lake for a bit of a drive. This helped to charge the batteries even more. We kept working on the Trans to do list, slowly chipping away at the tasks to do before heading home.

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