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Archives for: June 2010, 29


Permalink 04:43:37 pm, Categories: Adventures, 160 words   English (US)

A day in Hay Bay

We awoke on Tuesday to some pretty healthy wind and no urge to go anywhere. Though we haven't been able to tune in weather radio specifically for the island, the Rock of Ages light was reporting winds of 18 mph gusting to 22. We were snug in Hay Bay with really no reason to move if we didn't want to. Troy mapped out some potential routes for Thunder Bay that skipped Rock Harbor and went to an anchorage for Wednesday night that would allow us to run to Thunder Bay. Not sure yet which we would pick, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

So, we decided on a rather lazy day. Troy laid down for a nap and I pulled out my painting supplies and painted some rocks that I had brought along with us. Afterward, some relaxing reading.

When Troy got up we sat on the fore deck in chairs and enjoyed a beer (or two) and watched some eagles play.

WhimSea's Log

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