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Permalink 09:17:39 pm, Categories: Adventures, 582 words   English (US)

August 4-5, 2012: Dylan's first trip to the Apostles

Last weekend we got the opportunity to head to the Apostle's for the first time all season. Our engine finally working, we were very anxious to be underway. As a matter of fact, if Troy had his way, we probably would have left on Friday night. But I prevailed on him to wait until morning.

The morning dawned somewhat steamier then I expected it to. We had a couple of things to accomplish. Items to offload from the boat, things to stow, the dinghy to move around to the stern, breakfast to tend to, before we could head out on our adventure. We were looking forward to seeing how Dylan handled his first long sail as well as his first overnight on the hook. We were also looking forward to rowing him ashore to touch on Sand Island.

The wind, though it existed, wasn't that great for our destination. Given that the previous night it had blown in the opposite direction and the fact that the wind was now off our starboard stern, we had a bit of confused seas as well as sort of a corkscrew motion to contend with.

Dylan handled it like a trooper. He watched the waves and the water, took naps, sat with Dad at the helm station all without issue. As we closed with Sand Island, the waves had increased to 7 feet (reported by Devil's Island light) and the wind to 15 knots. That's when we lost the dinghy. One minute Charlie was there, riding behind us, the next, the line parted with a snap and she stayed behind us as we roared down the next wave. Troy immediately brought us around and we tried to catch her. With the amount of sail we had up, we were going to fast. We had to reduce sail if we had any hope of picking up the line. So, Troy dropped the mainsheet (I was holding Dylan during most of this) and he came around, looking hard for Charlie. He spotted her in the distance, it was amazing how far she got, and we headed that way.

Time and again we came around and tried to catch her with no luck. Keep in mind, we didn't have a hoop to attach to, just the end of a broken line dragging in the water.

Then she turned turtle and everything became twice as hard. We continued to try and catch her. A number of times, Troy had a hold of the line. But he just couldn't keep hold of it. We were still traveling fast and Charlie is still over 100 lbs (without being upside down). We had to call it a loss and leave her behind.

I'm surprised how difficult that was. To sail away from Charlie. Who'd been with us since our first boat, Bucephalus. Who'd shared most of our adventures and travels along the lake. But we did. We had to.

We continued on to our anchorage in Swallow Bay and had a nice dinner and relaxed looking at the island we had hoped to visit with Dylan. The next morning, we pulled up the anchor and headed home. The trip home was pretty uneventful if not a little sad as we thought of Charlie, drifting someone alone. I guess everything happens for a reason. We weren't meant to make the island that day. I know we'll be back with Dylan, this year even, and we'll find a way to make it ashore. Of that I am certain.

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