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Permalink 01:20:58 pm, Categories: Adventures, 597 words   English (US)

June 20-22, 2008

Posted by Karen A. Brown

Friday night and we stopped by Knife on our way through to Silver Bay. There was no point in hauling all of our loot up just to bring it back to Knife for the party, so we off loaded what we could before continuing the drive.

Once we arrived, we decided to try and start the motor. First thing we noticed was our batteries were way down. Someone had shut us of at the dock as well as our neighbor. We suspected kids were at fault and got them charging again. Troy called Kerry for an update to learn that the low batteries affected his ability to finish the timing on the engine and he'd have to come back Saturday morning. So, we rearranged our plans and drove back to Knife to finish setting up for the treasure hunt.

On the way back up to Silver Bay for the evening the moon was amazingly full. It was the summer solstice on Friday and the moon had risen over the water so big and orange in color. Someone told me it was a strawberry moon, but whatever the term you want to use, it was absolutely beautiful.

On the drive back we encountered some rain and saw what looked like a moon rainbow just past Gooseberry Falls. The moon was so bright that it lit up the water in the atmosphere. It looked amazing.

Saturday morning and Kerry was at the boat bright and early to get her going for us. About an hour and a half of work for the timing and we were good to go. Unfortunately Knife was too far away to reach before the pirate events so we would drive down for the day and bring WhimSea home on Sunday.

Pirate Day -- what a great day we had! As expected, the kids had a blast shooting off the potato cannons. There were three of them this year so I think all the kids got an opportunity to run the ramrod or fire off the potato or prepare the artillery. They had a blast, quite literally.

After a good amount of time with the cannon blasting, we broke the groups into four and started the hunt. Shortly into the adventure rain came that drenched the kids, but they didn't seem to mind. It was rather warm that day and the rain was refreshing.

The kids ran all over and found the skulls, keys, skeleton and all the hints that would bring them to their boxes of treasure.

When finally opened, the kids all got booty galore! There were bracelets and kits, gliders, finger rockets and tattoos. Every one got a booty bag to fill. There was just enough wind that we could put together the kites and fly them.

All the kids had a blast. After a while the cannon were called back into service and candy fired across the parking lot for the taking.

For dinner, Steve grilled up about a million kabobs and we all ate until we could eat no more. Stuffed to the gills we were. We had a beautiful night and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.

On Sunday, the group decided to bring WhimSea home together. We all met for breakfast (Dave, Deb, Mark, Janet, Jerry, Troy and I), then the guys and I drove up to Silver Bay so they could bring her home. I drove the car down and waited for them.

Unfortunately, they had no wind but plenty of rain. I think they got soaked through and through, but they brought her home.

Where WhimSea Takes Us

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