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Archives for: May 2010, 29


Permalink 09:47:56 pm, Categories: Adventures, 339 words   English (US)

Saturday, May 29

The first official event of the KRYC with donuts and coffee in the morning at the clubhouse and pizza in the evening. Troy and I decided to stay for the donuts and coffee, leaving shortly afterwards for the islands. We hoped to get a slightly earlier start, but it is difficult to leave a marina full of returning friends.

We did eventually head out, sailing across for Wisconsin. Of course, the wind was from the Northeast, so we pulled the traveler across, pointed as closely into the wind as we could and set all sails flying. This is our first long weekend of the season and we were pretty determined to have an adventure of it.

The wind off the lake was cool, despite the sun, and we were both fairly heavily layered with clothing while crossing the middle of the lake. Within five miles of shore, the wind died and the sun warmed the air enough to allow for a more comfortable trip. We lowered sail and started up the motor figuring on getting closer to Eagles before fishing the rest of the way to our island anchorage.

Troy laid down for a bit of a nap and shortly afterward, the wind piped up once again causing WhimSea to charge through the large swells that quickly followed the wind increase. We raised sails once again and began our beat to windward. The beating took longer then expected and we decided against fishing when we reached Eagle and Sand and instead sailed right to Raspberry where we would drop our sails and anchor off Marina Shoal.

Returning to the Apostle's is like a homecoming every year. The Islands change only slightly from year to year, caves are bigger, trees reach taller into the sky, and it is wonderful to see the transitions and also the sameness of the islands that have become so familiar to us.

We had an excellent dinner and enjoyed the sunset and subsequent moon-rise and array of stars from the cockpit. What a wonderful return.

Where WhimSea Takes Us

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