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Permalink 05:35:46 pm, Categories: Adventures, 328 words   English (US)

Fourth of July on the Slate Islands

We stayed the night off the cabin on McColl Island. The next day, after breakfast, we were preparing to head ashore when Troy grew concerned about some of the logs that came near the surface, our scope and swinging radius and the wind. He and Dave surveyed the situation (with Dave in the dinghy) to determine whether or not we could go ashore when the wind pushed WhimSea around and we hit one of the logs. Though it wasn't a hard hit, it was enough that Troy decided we should up anchor and head to the next anchorage instead of going ashore here.

We motored around and stuck our nose into a couple of little bays and inlets, surprised by the deep water so close to shore.

We did spot a caribou on shore grazing in the open grass near the burnt down barge. Here's a picture of the caribou and the barge.

Both were pretty darn cool to see. The caribou couldn't care less about us, or the campers that were nearby. The barge was a great hulk at the edge of the water. Pretty awesome.

Eventually, Troy agreed to try the anchorage called Pike's Bay. It's known for its shallow depths (unlike lots of other anchorages on the Slates), at 17-20 feet, but with slash on the bottom, folks recommended buoying the anchor. It looked like it would provide all around protection once we entered the narrow passage and it sure did.

On the way into the bay, we passed by this rock. Check out the scraping alongside. Clearly there were rocks in the glaciers as they went scraping by how many thousands of years ago. Pretty cool.

We arrived in time for me, Dave and Troy to get in a shower before it started pouring rain. Seemed like a good day for lounging around, playing games and cards and it sure was. Later in the evening the fog rolled into our anchorage and closed us in.

Where WhimSea Takes Us

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